Thursday, July 29, 2010

News Article in the Norfolk Examiner

August is fast approaching and SO much is going on in my art world! I'll be in several art shows in August, a lot of new stuff to do and images to share. Next week I'll be giving the details on all of this.. however, today I am stoked to share a news article written about me in The Norfolk Examiner by Wyn Hall. I met Wyn at the Bayou Boogaloo Cajun festival in Norfolk back in June, and after I drew his caricature, he told me that he wanted to write an article. He followed through with his promise, and here it is!.. Bob

Norfolk Festival Faces: Bob Langston

Monday, July 19, 2010

My print store in online!!!

Well, after many months of tinkering with my website between jobs, art shows, family time and surf sessions, I have finally gotten my print store up and running on my website, Unfortunately, I have had great difficulty trying to figure out all of the paypal stuff, and so for the time being I decided to accept payment the old fashioned way, by check or money order. People can check out my artwork, decide on which prints they like, send me an e mail with the info and then I send the prints out after the check or money order is received. I still am planning on getting the paypal in place, hopefully by the end of July or early August. Go ahead and check out the prints, and give me a holler if you want some!! I'm really stoked, fun new adventure on the horizon!! Peace.. Bob

Link to the Print Store

Thursday, July 15, 2010

The art of Olli Fraenkel

Today I've decided to talk about someone else's art! A few months ago, I became Facebook friends with this great artist named Olli Fraenkel. Olli is originally from Germany, but moved to Bali Indonesia, where he pursues epic waves and creates amazing art. We both share the passion for pyschedelia, and his paintings are so unique, I've never seen work quite like his. Bright colors, winding 3-d cut out paper type effects, graffiti influence and a Dali-ish surreal like dream quality are just a few adjectives that come to mind in the attempt to describe his phenomenal work. I've uploaded some pics of his paintings for y'all to check out, and have included his website link as well. Peace!! Bob

Olli's facebook portfolio

Olli's website and blog

Thursday, July 8, 2010

busy busy summer!

Wow, summer is half over and I can barely believe it. But yet I do, because when you are reeeally busy time really does fly. Beach Street caricature gigs, painting commissions, and juggling family stuff (my wife had her gall bladder removed AND a major hernia repaired last Thursday.. I was out for several days tending to her needs. She is feeling a bit better now but still very sore. Still hoping that she might be well enough to attend the B52's concert at Busch Gardens on Sunday :)