Monday, May 17, 2010

crunch time

Well it's Monday, May 17th, and the Steel Pier /Surf Art Expo is Memorial Day weekend, less that 2 weeks away! Crankin on my new prints, new paintings and other groovy artwork for the show. After the show is over, I've got to tackle an enormous pile of work on the back burner.. it's good to stay busy!! Stay tuned..

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

busy in May

Wow, I've got so much going on this month. I just finished a psychedelic sunburst painting that was attached to a wall grill, and I am now in the middle of a surf painting for a good friend of mine. Also I am painting a faceboard for Virginia Beach Events, they are having an Irish festival this summer, and I'm doing this nutty painting of a leprechaun and an Irish milkmaid with the faces cut out, people put their own faces in the holes and you take a picture.. you know what I mean, fun stuff, and hey, it's $. After that, I've got to turn and burn, getting ready for the art show at The Steel Pier Classic and Surf Art Expo at the Va Beach oceanfront (during Memorial Day weekend). I am exhibiting my surf paintings, surf prints, custom skateboard decks, and these crazy fish made out of paint pallettes.. also I will be showcasing my surfboard paintings, and I will be painting a couple of boards during the show as well. Stoked! Stay tuned..

Monday, May 3, 2010

Art show coming up soon!

Hey Y'all, it's May! Water is warming up (surfed with just a short john and no booties yesterday, 53 degree water but it IS getting warmer..) So busy this month with my art. Creating a cool painting for my surf buddy Bill Davis, based upon his recent trip to the Crystal Pier in San Diego, plus several other projects for the upcoming Neptune Festival, etc.. after that, I am focusing hard on getting everything ready for The Steel Pier Classic and Art Expo during memorial day weekend! I've got some new surfboards to display (many for sale), and I'll be doing another board painting demo as well. Plus prints, new canvas surf art, new skateboards, and other fun wyld art that you've gotta check out! My son Daniel is on Steve Morris' surf team now too, and he'll be competing in the surf contest. Ok, that's all for now, got to get back to work... Peace..